Monday, December 15, 2008

Awkward goodbye

I went to Darryl's (my wife) Holiday work party this weekend. When she told me I had to go I was at first completely against the idea and told her over my dead body was I going to go and that I reused such an idea. After all who was going to watch Liam. So on Saturday night here sister came over and off we went. Tally another one in the loss column for TP. The only thing I had going for me was that hopefully the 30 bucks I was paying for this was going to score some good beer and I made the Guacamole so at least that was going to taste good.

When we go to the house it was the usual uncomfortable introductions to people that I could care less about. I played it cool since this was a work function. I ate and drank, not to much because I have the mind set that 8 beers isn't overdoing it.

Long story short.

On the way out I was shaking hands of the people I didn't know and hugging the ones I did. I came to the woman that owned the house and was hosting the party. Now granted I have met her before but under no definition of the word are we "friends" or "close" this was the first word I was saying to her all night. I start to lean in to SHAKE her hand and she opens her arms for the HUG. Oh shit. I'm kind of off balance when I lean in and the 2 beer I chugged in the bathroom while Darryl wasn't watching just him me. I reach my right hand across her and grab her upper arm around her bicep and follow that with grabbing her hand on the same arm with my left hand. So to picture this it looks like I'm holding a Lacrosse stick or an ax. Not awkward enough, I just can't stand there so I finish it off with a kiss on the cheek. She clearly was just looking for just the hug and pulled away.

I vote to come up with a new way to say good by to work people. It could be a high five or spacial hand gesture. Look at Mr. Spock, no touching him just the ol' Vulcan hand signal for "nice seeing you, don't touch me." We should take a page out of his playbook.

I'll be thinking about this and get back to you.

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